Our Equalities Statement
Appendix B: How the school is complying with its general duty
What the school is doing to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
- Conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010 is detailed in this policy which is available to all members of the school community through a variety of sources
- The school’s Equality Policy and equality issues in school are monitored by the Headteacher and senior leadership team
- The school provides training to staff and governors about their responsibilities under the Act and about equality issues. Details of the most recent training can be found on the school website
- The school will make reasonable adjustments to the school environment and make activities as accessible and welcoming as possible for pupils, staff and visitors to the school
- By planning ahead, the school will ensure where reasonably possible that all pupils are able to take part in all the activities in school including extra curricular activities and any residential visits. The school will monitor uptake to ensure no one is disadvantaged on the grounds of a protected characteristic
- The school takes seriously the need to consider equality implications whenever policies and procedures are developed, adapted and reviewed and whenever significant decisions are made about the day to day life of the school. This will ensure that policies, procedures and decisions do not even inadvertently disadvantage groups of pupils with protected characteristics. A record will be made of any equality considerations and will be published on the school website as appropriate
- Equality considerations are taken into account in all school policies
- Bullying and prejudice related incidents are carefully monitored and dealt with effectively
- The school will ensure that all appointment panels give due regard to equality issues so that no one is discriminated against when it comes to recruitment, promotion or training opportunities. The school will ensure that job applicants are not asked health related questions in accordance with the Act and the school’s Equality Policy unless they are related to an intrinsic function of the work they do. The school will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to the interview/recruitment process as necessary.
- The school will consider any possible indirectly discriminatory effect of its practices when considering requests for contractual variations. Requests will only be refused if there are good business reasons unrelated to any protected characteristics in accordance with the school’s Flexible Working Requests Policy and Procedure
- The school is committed to ensuring pupils understand that they belong to a society and a world that is diverse and multicultural. The school will regularly consider and review the way in which its teaching and the curriculum helps promote an awareness of the rights of individuals and helps pupils understand and value difference and diversity and to challenge prejudice and stereo-typing. The school will actively promote equality, diversity and fundamental British values though the curriculum and by creating an environment which demands respect for all.
What the school is doing to advance equality of opportunity between those who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.
- The school knows the needs of its population very well and collects and analyses data in order to inform planning and identify targets to achieve improvements
- The school has procedures, working in partnership with parents and carers, to identify children who have a disability through admissions meetings
- The school collects data and monitors the progress and achievement of groups of learners by the relevant and appropriate protected characteristics and taking into account the groups of learners identified in the 2015 Ofsted Common Inspection Framework. This information will help the school ensure that pupils are achieving their potential, the school is being inclusive in practice and that trends are identified which will help to inform the setting of the school’s equality objectives
- The school will publish attainment data which shows how pupils with different characteristics are performing in helping to identify whether there are any areas of inequality which need to be addressed, RAISE on line will be used as this contains much detailed analysis by relevant characteristics
- The school will take action to close any gaps in progress or achievement for example, for those making slow progress in acquiring age appropriate literacy and number skills
- The school will collect, analyse and use data in relation to attendance and exclusions of different groups. This information can be found on the school’s website
- The school will collect and analyse information about training opportunities and promotion to ensure that all staff have equality of opportunity; The school will ensure that it engages and consults with those people who are affected by a policy or activity in the design of new policies and in the review of existing ones
- The school will encourage pupils with particular characteristics to participate fully in school activities for example by encouraging both boys and girls and pupils from different ethnic backgrounds to be involved in the full range of school clubs and societies
- The school has disabled access, disabled parking bays, a disabled toilet
- The school is fully aware of the dietary requirements of ethnic groups within school and makes for all of our pupils taking into account equality issues
- The school will avoid language that runs the risk of placing a ceiling on any child’s achievement or that seeks to define their potential as learners, such as” less able”. The school will use a range of teaching strategies that ensures it meets the needs of all children
- The school will provide support to children at risk of underachieving
- The school is alert and proactive about the potentially damaging impact of negative language in matters such as race, gender, disability and sexuality
- The school will take positive action which is proportionate to address the disadvantage faced by particular groups of children and staff members with particular protected characteristics, such as targeted support.
What the school is doing to foster good relations across all protected characteristics.
- The school will prepare children for life in a diverse society and ensure that there are activities across the curriculum that promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children
- The school teaches about difference and diversity and the impact of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination through PSHE and citizenship and across the curriculum
- The school will use materials and resources that reflect the diversity of the school population and local community in terms of race, gender, sexual identity and disability, avoiding stereotyping
- The school promotes a whole-school ethos and values which challenge prejudice based discriminatory language, attitudes and behaviour
- The school provides opportunities for children to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
- The school includes the contribution of different cultures to world history that promote positive images of people
- The school provides opportunities for pupils to listen to a range of opinions and empathise with different experiences
- The school promotes positive messages about equality and diversity through displays, school assemblies, visitors and whole school events
- The school includes equality matters in the Newsletters to parents and carers;
- The school will review relevant feedback from the annual parents questionnaires and from parents’ evening, parent-school forums, from issues raised in Annual Reviews or reviews of progress on Individual Education Plans/Personalised Provision Maps, mentoring and support
- The school will secure and analyse responses from staff surveys, staff meetings and training events, review feedback and responses from the children and groups of children, from the school council, PSHE lessons, and whole school surveys on children’s attitudes to self and school.
The School’s current Equality Objective
The School’s current Equality Objectives are:
- Increase children’s understanding of other religious groups
- Raise attainment and interest in reading for boys in KS2
- Increase children’s experience of other cultures