St Stephen'sPrimary School


Welcome to St Stephen’s PTA


We are a group of parents that work together for the benefit of the school children at St Stephen’s. All of us are working parents and none of us are specialists in fundraising but between us we manage to put on several events throughout the year. 

St Stephen’s PTA has been re-born off the back of our PTA chair, Kelly Crompton-Roberts, who mentioned to a few friends that she would be keen to bring a PTA back to St Stephen’s and it ‘snowballed’ from there! We saw and heard of other school children in other surrounding primary schools enjoying school disco’s, fun days/events and summer fairs, just to mention a few, hang – on, our children at St Stephen’s are missing out here, let’s try and give them some happy school day memories that without the parent’s support wouldn’t be possible!

The story so far and what we do

Since the PTA began in April 2019, as a parent/carer, you automatically became a member! But the amount you wish to participate is up to you. The aim of a PTA is to encourage good relations between staff, parents and others associated with the school, to support the school and to advance the education of the pupils in it.

The objectives of a PTA are; to organise fund-raising activities, to involve as many people as possible and to make the activities fun!

We have so far brought to St Stephen’s;

  • A spring disco
  • Krispy Kreme – Donuts for Dad’s day
  • Ice Lolly Friday’s
  • Non-school uniform days
  • October Dis-Glow
  • pre-loved baby and child table to sale
  • Welcome gift bags for parents of new nursery and reception children
  • Christmas Makers Market
  • Christmas parties for all classes
  • Break the rules day
  • The 5p Challenge and more. 

Just a few of the events to come are:

  • House penny wars
  • The Smarties challenge
  • Fashion show for Mother’s Day
  • Mother’s Day take-away cream tea
  • And as mentioned above the Summer Fair. These events are organised 100% by the PTA and without a merry team of volunteers, these events would not be possible.  

From April last year, we have raised in excess of £3000. We were asked to fund new ‘rainy day’ games/activity boxes for all 16 classes, numeracy and literacy sheds and starter kits for EYFS, which are invaluable to contributing to the excellent educational start for all at St Stephen’s that our EYFS department strive to deliver. This gives the children a great foundation to build on as they progress from year to year during their time at our school. We were able to put on a Christmas party for all year groups to come along and enjoy one weekend before Christmas, this was free for every child to attend, including a visit from Father Christmas, party food and drink and a Christmas present for every child. We are always looking for new fundraising ideas to help us raise even more and we welcome anyone’s suggestions.

Most schools are dependent on the PTA for funds for certain items and St Stephen’s is no different. Now we are a little better established the PTA will look to help provide funds for subsidised school trips, new library books, educational visits from providers, playground improvements and more.

Every penny put into the PTA goes back to providing something for your children

However, the PTA runs on a continuous cycle – as children reach their final year and leave, so do the parents. So, we constantly need new volunteers and new faces to ensure the PTA stays up and running – without parent support, there is no PTA!

Why be part of the PTA?

Taking an active role with the PTA is beneficial for both parents and children but will particularly enhance your child’s experience of school. The best bit about contributing to the PTA is the example it sets to your children. They will see you playing an active part in making their education more varied and getting involved illustrates good teamwork and community spirit.  It has also been scientifically proven that children whose parents are involved in their education perform better academically. What have you got to lose?!

So, what could you gain by being part of the PTA?  Every PTA event is an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you and who all share a common goal of improving the school for all our children.

Our children are only at school for a relatively short time. PTA events such as the Summer Fair, Dis-Glow and Christmas Parties will be remembered fondly by our children for a lifetime and we have the opportunity to create lasting memories. Being part of the PTA also enables you to get to know a wide range of people that you may not have had the opportunity to talk to otherwise. 

Advantages to joining the PTA:

  • INVOLVED – Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
  • NETWORK – Tap into a Network. PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences. 
  • SUPPORTIVE – Speak Up. PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
  • PRIDE – Watch Yourself Grow. By volunteering with your PTA, you put your skills and hobbies to use for a great cause—your child and all children in the school community.
  • INNOVATE – Witness Improvement. By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. The PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, and social events.
  • ROLE MODEL – Be a Role Model. By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education and being involved in the school community.
  • ENRICH- See Measurable Results. More than 85 research studies conducted over the past 30 years prove that parental involvement from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood.

Whatever you choose you do; you will be most welcome and your support appreciated.

Volunteering is a great way to escape from everyday chores, helps you get out and be social and gives us adults a chance to do things we may have never thought we could do. The sense of achievement that comes from that is amazing!

We know how busy lives get, but just offering an hour of your time can make a huge difference to the children in the school.

You can help by:

  • Designing a poster, photocopying and distributing letters in the school.
  • Setting up/Cleaning up after an event.
  • Helping out on a stall.
  • Attending PTA meetings (look out for dates in the Newsletter and on our Facebook and Instagram page).
  • Help run an event. This may involve coming up with new ideas, offering to complete some tasks from home.
  • Sourcing raffle prizes or free donations from local companies
  • Ask your workplace about Matched Funding to help us maximise fundraising amounts.
  • Keep up to date by following our Facebook Page, or regularly reading the Newsletter.

There are many aspects that you may be able to contribute to.

St Stephen’s PTA is signed up to Easyfundraising. By following this link below you will be able to shop online as normal but your retailer will give a donation to our school for every purchase that you make! It really is that simple!

So, how can you get involved?

Email us: [email protected]

Like our Facebook page: St stephens Droylsden PTA

Follow us in Instagram: ptaststephensrcprimaryschool or leave your details at the school office



Get In Touch

St Stephen's RC Primary School
Chappell Road, Droylsden, M43 7NA
Main Contact:Office Manager
Mrs C Sutcliffe
0161 370 2071