St Stephen'sPrimary School

Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy is the time we take each day giving praise and thanks to God. Through our daily prayers and weekly reflection on the Gospel, the children have the opportunity to develop their relationship with God and know that they can turn to him when they are finding things hard or want to thank him for the things they are grateful for.

In our weekly class reflection on the Gospel, we think about what Jesus is teaching us and how we can act out these teachings in our everyday life. The children are encouraged to take time meditating, being still and quiet so that they learn to appreciate the world around them and become closer to God by speaking to him in their own words. Please take the time to pray with your child at home.

As well as weekly prayer and liturgy sessions in class led by the children, prayer visits to the Church and hymn practice, we have weekly Gospel assemblies, half termly year group Masses in Church and whole school masses throughout the Year.  It is very special to be able to come together in Church to worship together.

Get In Touch

St Stephen's RC Primary School
Chappell Road, Droylsden, M43 7NA
Main Contact:Office Manager
Mrs C Sutcliffe
0161 370 2071